Waking up at early morning 10 o clock, have a samosa and tea in pehelwaan tea stall, then come bak to browse for a while(of course, orkut), start playing cards with frds at 11( a game called 5 cards whch never ends), stop d game for a break at 12 30 and have lunch. At 1 come bak to continue d game, at 2 d game ends, go for a nap for a while, at 4 30 get up for a tea with snacks and go for a game of cricket, 6 30 game ends and take a bath. At 7 30 dinner awaiting, complete it, browse from 8 to 9 then start another game of cards, take a break at 11 30 to have a 2nd dinner in night canteen, come bak to continue d game, 12 30 game ends and start a conversation with a grp, chat till 2 or 3 till everybody feels sleepy and then go to bed.
This is probably one’s dream life and of course d life I experienced in my final yr of college in NITK. IF this gets bored we’ve d option of attending classes too.
These weird things happened during those days
· Frequent logins on orkut happened and once there appeared a message “Not more than 1000 logins per day”.
· 24*7 net was maximum used such that once a movie was downloaded for 3 continuous days, was seen for 3 mins by scrolling down and then was deleted in 3 seconds.
· Send a scrap to a friend in d next room “ machaan, where r u?” and he comes to
· Login into orkut and keep refreshing home page, suddenly there pops out a message from d refresh button “Enough!!, there is a limit for everything”
One never falls short of company in those days. Once I went to girl acting like a 1st yr student asking, “My seniors sent me to get
If it was exam time, then it was d time for ultimate comedies. Once I was writing marketing management exam and as usual I slept in between d exam, d invigilator woke me up. I got up and said to him “Sir, can u wake me up after 10 mins, one question is pending for completion”.
Finally I know tht d next yr after this will feature d exact opposite type of life but still my fond memories of dis full-time fun environment will remain forever in my mind.
not every1 gets 2 enjoy dis way...but den,v make up r life...nwy,dere s a lull b4 d storm...hope d oncomin stop does nt leav u wid no time 2 enjoy...
coll life esp wen ur away at a residential campus is all fun. good u had ur share of fun too.
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